As the name suggests, a grants writer is a professional who specialises in writing grant proposals. Grant proposals are applications submitted to funding organisations seeking financial support for a particular project, program, or cause. The role of a grants writer is to help their clients put together a compelling grant proposal that will catch the attention of the funding organisation and persuade them to award the grant. However, it's important to note that a grants writer cannot guarantee a client will get a grant.

The grant application process is highly competitive, and there are no guarantees that a funding organisation will choose to award a grant to any particular applicant. The decision to award a grant is usually based on a variety of factors, including:

  •  the applicant's credentials, 
  • the quality of the proposal, 
  • the availability of funds, 
  • and the priorities of the funding organisation.

There are several reasons why a grants writer cannot guarantee a client will get a grant:

  • No control over the decision-making process

The grant application process is controlled entirely by the funding organisation. While a grants writer can create a high-quality proposal, they have no control over the decision-making process of the funding organisation. Even if the proposal is outstanding, there are still many factors that may influence the funding organisation's decision.

  • Competition from other applicants

Funding organisations often receive a large number of grant applications, and the competition can be fierce. A grants writer may produce a well-written and persuasive proposal, but it may still be passed over in favor of another proposal that the funding organisation deems more compelling.

  • Availability of funds

Funding organisations have limited resources, and they must prioritize which projects or causes to support. Even if a grant proposal is excellent, the funding organisation may not have the resources available to support it. In this case, the proposal may be rejected, even if it is well-written and persuasive.

  • Changing priorities of the funding organisation

The priorities of a funding organisation can change over time. Even if a grant proposal was previously accepted, it may be rejected in the future if the funding organisation's priorities have shifted.

In conclusion, while a grants writer can help their clients put together a strong grant proposal, they cannot guarantee that the proposal will be accepted. The decision to award a grant is ultimately in the hands of the funding organisation, and there are many factors that may influence their decision. A grants writer's job is to create the best possible proposal and increase their client's chances of being awarded a grant. However, they cannot control the outcome of the application process.


  • Make sure you fit all the basic eligibility requirements
  • Make sure your request falls within of the funder’s giving interests.
  • Have knowledge of the application guidelines and make sure you meet them.
  • Write to the criteria and word count required by the funding body.
  • Develop a compelling proposal that outlines the project or program's objectives, outcomes, and budget, 
  • Outlines the requesters qualifications and track record.
  • Provide tools, resources, and expertise they need to create a compelling proposal.
  •  Navigate the complex world of grant funding.